samedi, février 04, 2006

Bord de la route .


Hubble space telescope
heic 0414 b

6 commentaires:

Lhombre a dit…

Jean, thank you for stopping by my web site. I agree, we seem to have some common intersts in art and music. I hope that we can continue to visit. I find your work very interesting and would like to explore more with you. I am in Chicago for the weekend and hope to be back at home soon.
I have purchased a French language dictionary and will do my best to translate your comments. Thanks again.

Anonyme a dit…

Une photo simple mais avec une lumière terrible.
Bravo Jean.

Anonyme a dit…

Jean la photo de la nasa me fait penser à un oeil geant
Quel irirs!!
vas sur mon blog, je t'ai répondu

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour jean, des idées de voyage? pour bord de route

Muse a dit…

je découvre ce blog et ces magnifiques photos...parallèle entre notre monde et l'univers...

Anonyme a dit…

Well done on a nice blog Jean. I was searching for information on how to use a telescope and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to how to use a telescope but very interesting all the same!

If you have a moment, why not hop over and take a look at my report on telescopes.